Saturday, August 25, 2007

Marathon Training Schedule Tips : Form

Form work is an important part of your marathon training schedule. Having the correct running form will keep you from getting injured. Incorrect form will be detrimental to your running career, even if you do the correct mileage, have the right shoes, and run on soft surfaces.

Some pointers to keep you in good form as you progress through your marathon training schedule.

  • Don't let your foot land in front of your center of gravity. This will lead to a hard landing, which is bad for your knees, hips and back. Concentrate on having your feet land under your center of gravity.
  • Don't land directly on your heel. Land somewhere between the ball of your foot and your heel, and make sure your time on the ground is minimized, by rolling quickly to the front.
  • Imagine your body slanting slightly (very slightly!) forward from the ankles (not the hips), so that gravity takes you forward, as if you are falling constantly forward and your feet are catching up.
  • Do barefoot strides (4 by 100m, building speed) after a few workouts each week. Notice how your stride changes with your shoes off, and try to emulate that during the rest of your workout.
Best of luck with your marathon training schedule. Always focus on your form! For more great info on running form, check out The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer.

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